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OTA Software UpdateOTA Software Update

OTA Software Update(OTA:Over-The-Air) refers to the technology that updates software programs using wireless communication.
OTA Software Update allows you to improve your vehicle’s performance and stability and to experience new features.
OTA Software Update(OTA:Over-The-Air) refers to the technology that updates software programs using wireless communication.
OTA Software Update allows you to improve your vehicle’s performance and stability and to experience new features.

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GENESIS OTA Software Update

OTA Software UpdateOTA Software Update

The OTA Software Update service can update the vehicle system over the air.
This service allows you to keep your vehicle up to date without visiting a High-tech Center.

※ This service will be supported for only for some models.

GENESIS OTA Software Update

Get ReadyGet Ready

When a new update becomes available, the vehicle downloads the software over the air, and gets ready to update.
If you turn off the engine after driving, you can be initiate the update on the in-vehicle infotainment screen.

※ Depending on the software version installed in the vehicle, the update items and the time may vary.

GENESIS OTA Software Update

In ProgressIn Progress

The vehicle is being updated.
You can check the progress of update on the in-vehicle infotainment screen.

※ You cannot drive a vehicle during the update. Therefore, proceed with the update when you have enough time.

GENESIS OTA Software Update


The vehicle controller has been updated.
You can check the details of update through the QR code on the infotainment screen or by visiting the Genesis website.

  • During the update, you are not allowed to drive the vehicle (up to 100 minutes), and all features (including electric vehicle high voltage battery charging and V2L functions) become unavailable.

    ※ V2L : Vehicle to Load
  • G90 (2022 Launch Model), GV80 (2023 Launch Model), GV80 Coupe (2023 Launch Model), G80 (2023 Launch Model), GV60 (2025 Launch Model), GV70 (2025 Launch Model), Electrified G80 (2025 Launch Model), G90 Black (2024 Launch Model), GV80 Black(2024 Launch Model), GV80 Coupe Black (2024 Launch Model), G80 Black (2025 Launch Model), G90 Long Wheel Base Black (2025 Launch Model)

    ※ We will continuously expand the target vehicles.
OTA Software Update Manual